Speaking Events

Chabad of Rechavia

Rechavia, 6th August 2024

What’s in the mysterious Vatican Archives? A high-level meeting in Jerusalem’s King David Hotel gave birth to The Museum Heritage Project, a rare research Program unlocking the secret vaults at the Vatican Museum.



Raanana, 4th December 2022

Vatican Holdings from Temple Times: Harry Moskoff has dedicated himself to studying artifacts from the time of the second Temple which are presently held by the Vatican.


Chabad of Rechavia

and online, 1 Feb 2022

Where are the golden Temple vessels today and what lies under the Temple Mount?


Pilzno Shul

Beit Shemesh , 23 February, 2020

How are they all connected? Video of Rabbi Hirschel Moskoff speaking on Biblical Archaeology, the Elections and the Coming of Mashiach.


International Christian Leaders Group

Lady Stern Hotel, Jerusalem, 2nd February, 2020

Video excerpt from R’ Harry H. Moskoff’s in-depth lecture/discussion on Biblical Archaeology, the Israeli Elections, and the Coming of the Messiah .


Torah School for the Nations - Sukkot 2019

AMI Center, Jerusalem, 17 October, 2019 - A Full Day of Intensive Study

Rabbi Hirschel Moskoff will be presenting a lecture entitled: Understanding The Temple’s Importance For The Nations. There is a Jewish teaching that if only the Nations of the world knew how important the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was for them, they would have physically prevented the Romans from destroying it.


Annual International Conference on Ethnic and Religious Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding

Queens College/University, New York City, 30 October - 1 November 2018

Mr Moskoff will be speaking on: The Israeli / Arab Peace Process – An Alternative Approach for Conflict Resolution: The Final Status of Jerusalem and its Holy Sites (Distinguished Speaker)


Annual Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the UN

Headquarters of the United Nations, New York City, 28-30 November 2018

Conference theme: Utilizing Cultural Diplomacy to Foster Democracy, Global Security, Business and Trade


Temple Mount Jerusalem Convention 2018

Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, 5 December 2018

This year the Conference will tackle common myths surrounding the Temple Mount, look at what the archeology really says, and explore the Biblical vision for the future. Mr. Moskoff will be addressing the various geopolitical scenarios re: the final status of the Temple Mount, and presenting his research on the subject.